
THQI Reconvening on Monday (more coming later)

After an very, very long hearing, Judge Mary Walrath, a favorite of mine, did not approved the DIP motion or bidding procedures motion in the THQ case. She instructed parties to discuss and work out their issues over the weekend and set a new hearing on Monday. I will be writing a more thorough post this weekend on the day's events.


  1. Anonymous1/04/2013

    Thanks for the Twitter updates during the day. Look forward to your write-up.

  2. Anonymous1/04/2013

    fantastic coverage of this swindle.
    Thank you.

  3. Anonymous1/05/2013

    How possibly could JMW be a "personally (sic) favorite?" She totally screwed the Dime LTW holders (an adversary proceeding as a part of WAMUQ case). In the cases that I have followed JMW tries to produce compromises and loves mediation. And, she hates to make decisions. Many of her opinions are somewhat well written but they often do not follow what common sense dictates.
